“Secure Sail System” (SSS) is a device for automatic or manual anchor retrieval, that is composed by two elements: an EV030 (SSS compatible) flybridge chaincounter and a special power unit box.The system is provided with an automatic mode, that allows a soft and gradual anchor retrieval. The windlass speed reduces progressively until the anchor is in the bow roller, without any hit and leaving the chain in tension. The only intervention you need to make is the start up through the simultaneous pressure of two buttons.If you don’t want to use automatic retrieval, it is possible to retrieve the chain manually, exploiting anyway the speed reduction in order to control in a better way the operations.Technical data and models availableThe system is applicable to any windlass in commerce with a maximum power 2000 W(*)
In case you need to accelerate retrieval procedure it is possible to deactivate SSS function and the device functions without speed regulation. In this mode we recommend you to activate ”alarm up” (please see EV030 manual) in order to be warned whenever the anchor has been fully retrieved.If the SSS function has been activated ”alarm up” is automatically deactivated, because retrieval is made through a gradual speed regulation that allows to complete the manoeuvre safely, positioning the anchor in the bow roller without any hit.